eBASE, effective basic services:Who we are

Who we are

eBASE Africa is a registered, non-profit organisation in Cameroon

Our Values: Empathy, curiosity, Innovation; Evidence based; Community Involvement

eBASE Africa is an international charity registered in Cameroon. We seek to make basic services more effective by ensuring best available research evidence is applied in service delivery. We work across the evidence ecosystem – project implementation, primary research, evidence synthesis, evidence translation and evidence implementation.

In a quest to ensure sustainable interventions, eBASE implements projects along existing local health or education systems and incorporation of community participation in all projects.


Be the game changers for effective basic services – including health and education – through the use of best available evidence and technology in Africa.


eBASE mission is to make basic services, health and education especially, more effective through the use of best available evidence and technology within the evidence ecosystem.

At eBASE, we use mHealth technology to promote global health, research and getting research into practice for policy makers, clinicians and healthcare consumers.

eBASE uses community participation in its projects to promote systematisation, ownership and sustainability.

eBASE uses arts approaches to facilitate community education and sensitization within the African context.